AI Tools - useful or scam?

May 29, 2024
5 minute read


I just tried a new AI tool and it totally flopped.

Promised me everything, full integration with Google Drive and Notion and Slack, and it just didn’t work as promised.

It worked a bit, but it was a massive L.

Not going to say what tool it was, because it’s not the point, and I didn’t try the paid version, and only spent like 30 minutes with it.

Although the free tool promised the same features just less credits, so it was enough for me to judge that this doesn’t work that well.

And it made me think about the overall problem with AI tools.

Then I got an email from a friend asking about 2 other AI tools specifically for HR.

I browsed the landing for one and they didn’t say much about specific technicalities like what LLMs they are using or how they did their “training on 25 years of knowledge”.

Most AI tools today are still what we call OpenAI API wrappers.

They build a fancy interface, beautiful mockups of their product UI, and the backend can almost be replicated by 2 Make scenarios.

So here’s how I currently approach any new AI tool:

First question is: Is this new AI technology or a wrapper of previous AI technology?

Then, if it’s new AI tech, is it better, same or worse than current state-of-the-art AI tech? I ignore if its same or worse. If it’s better, I give it a try.

If it’s a wrapper of previous AI tech, it’s still worth to take a look though. Sometimes these are well put together and pre-configured for your exact use case, so it’s probably a lot cheaper to use them then to build your own version.

But for most of these API wrapper tools, they are overloaded with dozens of features you’ll never use, they add admin overhead to your company (one more payment, invoice, integration, password, and software-to-learn for the whole team).

This is why we are big fans of just putting your own AI agents together, and integrating to systems you already use (like GSheets, Slack, etc.)

Talking about AI agents, I’m doing an exclusive workshop tomorrow to our Prompt Master students, where we’ll configure an AI chatbot agent that integrates into your social media DMs, so people can talk to your AI assistant, book appointments, sell products, answer questions, etc.

This is a free bonus perk to those who have purchased the Prompt Master AI course. So if you want to attend this workshop, don’t hesitate and become a Prompt Master today!

Can’t wait to see you tomorrow on the workshop

