The only but essential programming language for AI automation

April 5, 2024
5 minute read

Most of the world is out-of-office today, and now sitting here writing this email, I'm thinking I should've done the same.

So this letter is going to be short, so we both can enjoy the holiday.

Note to self: next time, let's schedule the emails ahead of time. 😂

Alright, so what I wanted to talk about was programming languages.

I know we're teaching and building no-code AI automations, but this is a topic that is worth spending some time on.

There are sooo many programming languages and it might be hard to pick. Should you go with Python, that's said to be good for AI? Or maybe learn a different one like Java, Javascript or C++?

Well, the answer might surprise you, but none.

However there is one programming language far superior to all of them.

Can you guess what it is?




It's your native language! - Whether you speak English, Hungarian, Mandarin, Italian or whatever else, you can start programming with it.

Look at me, I'm not a programmer, yet I have created at least a hundred AI automations for myself and our clients.

But it's not enough if you can speak a language. You also need to think like a programmer.

Or, just make ChatGPT think like a programmer for you.

Here's what I like to do:

  1. First, I just write pseudocode, where I basically describe what I want the automation to do in plain English (or Hungarian).
  2. Confirm that with myself or the client.
  3. Then, I start building the automation in a no-code tool like Make or Zapier.
  4. If there is no native integration for something I need, I ask ChatGPT to help me figure out how to send a Webhook or an HTTP request from the certain software, using their API or whatever documentation they have.

Bascially having GPT-4 on your side, any problem can be solved this way, or you'll figure out pretty soon that the scope is bigger than you initially thought, or there are critical edge cases you didn't think about.

So stop learning programming languages if your goal is to create AI automations and start becoming a better thinker and communicator.

By learning Prompt Engineering, and becoming a pro ChatGPT user, you can improve your thinking and communication skills and already be ahead of 99% of your peers who are still scared of using ChatGPT.

The Easter holidays are a great opportunity to spend some time improving your skills and yourself.



P.S: I won't be sending the Newsletter on Monday, so you'll hear from me next Wednesday! Enjoy the holiday!